Menopause is something that every woman experiences. This natural process happens when you haven’t menstruated in 12 months and can’t become pregnant naturally.
Before it occurs, you go through perimenopause. During this stage, your periods become irregular. Sometimes, they’re late. Other times, you skip one or more menstrual cycles.
Either way, during perimenopause, you slowly stop having periods, which then leads to menopause and then postmenopause. And while all of these stages sound similar, only one seems to be the most uncomfortable, and that’s menopause.
Luckily, there are remedies that you can use to feel good during this phase in life. Even better, some of these menopause remedies are natural, making them significantly healthier for your body. But before you learn what those remedies are, let’s start by diving into the ins and outs of menopause.
What causes menopause?
It’s essential to keep in mind that menopause is a natural process. However, there are reasons why it occurs. Specifically, menopause happens when your ovaries start to age and create fewer reproductive hormones.
This decrease leads to lower levels of estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. As a result, significant changes happen in your body, one of them being a loss of active ovarian follicles. These parts of your body produce and release eggs from your ovary wall to cause menstruation and fertility.
Usually, these changes take place in your mid-to-late 40s, during which your periods might be heavier and longer but much less consistent. By the time you reach 52 years old, you’ll likely experience menopause—that’s the age most women in the U.S. begin this phase of life.
But sometimes, menopause can happen because of an injury. Or, it can occur because of surgical removal of your ovaries or similar pelvic structures.
Other common causes of induced menopause are the following:
- Pelvic radiation
- Injuries that severely damage or destroy your ovaries
- Your ovary functions shut down
- Ovarian ablation
Induced menopause isn’t incredibly common. In fact, only 1 percent of women in the U.S. experience premature menopause, whether natural or induced.
What are the side effects of menopause?
Once you start menopause, your experience will be unique. Every woman’s walk with menopause is different, so symptoms can vary—but there might be an overlap between you and another woman’s experience.
For example, one side effect of menopause that seems pretty standard is hot flashes. Around 75 percent of women experience this discomfort.
Other typical symptoms of menopause include the following:
- Weight gain
- Depression
- Vaginal dryness
- Insomnia
- Problems concentrating
- Anxiety
- Dry skin
- Dry mouth
- Dry eyes
- Decreased sex drive
- Reduced libido
- Memory issues
- Headaches
- Tender or sore breasts
- Hair thinning or loss
- Stiff or achy joints
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Racing heart
Complications can also occur with menopause. You could experience things like cataracts, heart or blood vessel disease, or painful intercourse. Speaking to a physician is the best step to take when you start noticing complications like these—that way, you can get tips on how to resolve the problems.
How long does menopause last?
At this point, you may be wondering how long you’ll have to deal with the symptoms of menopause. After all, they’re very uncomfortable, so it’d be nice for them to come and go quickly.
Unfortunately, though, menopause symptoms can last for a while. Most women start noticing them four years before their last period, and the symptoms typically continue until four years after their last period.
In some cases, women deal with the symptoms of menopause for a decade before this natural process actually starts. And 1 in 10 women has symptoms for 12 years after their last period.
Ultimately, there’s a good chance you’ll deal with the side effects of menopause for a decent length of time. But with great natural menopause remedies, you can soothe the discomfort and maintain an excellent quality of life.
Four natural menopause remedies
If you want to manage the side effects of menopause, sometimes, all you need is a natural product. Thankfully, there are four menopause remedies that are all-natural, accessible, and easy to use.
1. Coconut oil
This natural remedy is packed with healthy saturated fats. These fats provide different effects than other ones in your diet. For example, they can increase fat burning, which may be a welcome benefit if you’re noticing weight gain because of menopause.
Additionally, coconut oil may boost your energy levels and brain health. And it contains many antioxidants, antibacterial agents, anti-fungal properties, and moisturizing fatty acids.
2. Peppermint
Most people have heard that peppermint essential oil promotes clear breathing and healthy respiratory function. But this natural remedy is also excellent for digestive health as it may relieve cramping. Even better, peppermint oil might decrease discomfort when you have hot flashes.
3. Hemp cannabinoids
Cannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds in the cannabis sativa plant. More than 85 exist, and many studies suggest that cannabinoids have therapeutic properties.
This finding is especially true when you combine multiple cannabinoids into one remedy. Together, they unleash the entourage effect, which is simply a formal way of saying they enhance each other’s benefits.
For example, Kat’s Naturals’ Balance CBD Oil contains CBD, CBG, CBC, CBGA, THC, CBDV, and THCa. The cannabinoids in this remedy work together to help relieve the side effects of hormonal imbalance, which directly relates to menopause.
Specifically, these cannabinoids boost CBD’s effects. On its own, this particular compound may help relieve menopausal symptoms, including mood swings, inflammation, and poor sleep. But with the other cannabinoids involved, CBD’s benefits are much more apparent and soothing.
4. Botanical terpenes
Thousands of plants have terpenes, which is why the word “botanical terpenes” exists. It’s a term that encompasses hundreds of terpenes from legal plant sources.
These compounds provide a unique flavor and fragrance to natural remedies. But they also have significant health effects.
For example, beta-caryophyllene may help relieve anxiety and pain, which are common side effects of menopause. And a-bisabolol has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and pain-relieving properties.
Try natural menopause remedies
When looking for menopause remedies, you don’t always have to take the traditional route. Natural solutions exist, too.
Just look at Kat’s Naturals’ Balance CBD Oil. It contains not only several cannabinoids but also botanical terpenes, coconut oil, and peppermint. With this remedy, you can start to feel good again from the inside and out. All you have to do is try it.
Try Kat’s Naturals Balance CBD Oil for a menopause remedy that will help increase your quality of life.